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Sfeerimpressie jubileumviering 17 juni 2022

Op 17 juni 2022 vierden wij ons 125-jarig jubileum met het evenement 'Eeuwige Wijsheid voor deze Tijd' in ons voormalige logebouw waar de energie van meer dan 75 jaar spiritueel werk nog voelbaar was. Samen met sprekers Annine van der Meer, Rico Sneller, Bernardo Kastrup en Tim Boyd gingen we op zoek naar de rode draad die door de aandachtsgebieden filosofie, wetenschap en religie loopt.

Bekijk de registraties van de lezing van Bernardo Kastrup, Rico Sneller en Tim Boyd op de pagina VIDEO'S van onze reguliere website of via ons YouTube-kanaal.

The Theosophical Society was founded in New York in 1875 by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and others. Madame Blavatsky used ancient esoteric sources, Eastern philosophies, and sacred writings from world religions to shape a spiritual movement that would become known as Theosophy. In doing so, she opened the esoteric path in the West and ensured that terms such as karma and reincarnation have become more commonplace.

New Age philosophy, Anthroposophy, yoga schools, and many other popular movements draw on the knowledge that Madame Blavatsky brought to the West through Theosophy.

In 7 episodes, we will look back on the past 125 years and turn our gaze to the future, where we will continue to communicate the mission Mrs. Blavatsky gave us, to the widest possible audience, using the new media: To let humanity know that there is such a thing as Theosophy.


We humans have the unique ability of storytelling which is a powerful way to share your experiences with others. We often recognize our own behavior in someone else's story and we can empathize with the emotions that this experience evokes in the other person. This creates a bond.  

Since the beginning of time, we have passed on stories to members of our community and to our children. These stories reveal who we are, what we have experienced and what we consider important in life. They deal with universal themes of good and evil, growth and decline, and life and death. 

For our anniversary Annelies Moerel interviewed six (former) presidents of The Hague Lodge and the Theosophia Foundation, to find out which path to spiritual self-transformation they took and which role theosophy played in it. And what are their thoughts on the future?

These are the stories of Elisabeth Raven, Hans van Aurich, Imelde Ruberti, Wim Leys, Jan Maarten Braak en Ria Schopman.

Theosophy is an all-encompassing philosophy that makes life understandable and shows that evolution is guided by justice and love. One of its main pillars is freedom of thought (you can read the statement and an article by Hans van Aurich on Freedom of Thought).

She gives death its proper place, as a recurring event, which opens the gateway to a fuller and brighter existence in a life that has no end.

This ageless wisdom includes concepts such as karma, reincarnation, evolution, the unity of all life, and universal and individual consciousness. If you want to know more about any of these topics, click through for a brief explanation of these themes. 
